ORDER/TELLIMINE: inna.inanna@mail.ee, €15 plus p&p
comes forth from within. It's what the light burning within you is about, as
opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you don't do it, there will
be negative repercussions.
Olen värskelt valmis saanud inspiratsioonikalendri 2014. Inspiratsioon haarab lisaks motivatsioonile ka sisemise innustumise. Kalendris on kuude kaupa inspiratsioonilised sievaatlusele ja eneseinnustamisele suunatud mõtted ja tsitaadid, mis suunavad meid eristama olulist vähemolulisest ning hoidma oma keset praeguses hetkes. Igapäevaselt saab kalendaariumi juurde valida sobiva pildi. Pildid on fotod mu maalide detailidest. Kalender on ingliskeelne.
I call myself an inspirational artist. Inspiration is my passion. And art is one way of expressing it. Nimetan end inspiratsioonikunstnikuks. Inspiratsioon on minu kirg. Ja kunst üks viis seda väljendada.
In this colourful edition I am sharing with you my artwork combined with my favourite sayings. They are here to lighten you up on your journey all throughout 2014. Monthly calendars are separate from the pictures - more freedom to choose each day!
Olen värskelt valmis saanud inspiratsioonikalendri 2014. Inspiratsioon haarab lisaks motivatsioonile ka sisemise innustumise. Kalendris on kuude kaupa inspiratsioonilised sievaatlusele ja eneseinnustamisele suunatud mõtted ja tsitaadid, mis suunavad meid eristama olulist vähemolulisest ning hoidma oma keset praeguses hetkes. Igapäevaselt saab kalendaariumi juurde valida sobiva pildi. Pildid on fotod mu maalide detailidest. Kalender on ingliskeelne.
I call myself an inspirational artist. Inspiration is my passion. And art is one way of expressing it. Nimetan end inspiratsioonikunstnikuks. Inspiratsioon on minu kirg. Ja kunst üks viis seda väljendada.
art is a way of joyful
expression that offers upliftment both while creating and experiencing
it. See for yourself :) Inspiratsioonikunst on rõõmuväljenduse vorm, mis
innustab nii selle loojat kui kogejat. Uuri järelre :)
Back cover text:
works from the inside out.Once we really get that there's no way back
to unknowing or living as a product of our environment. Everything
shifts back to its source - to you and how you tune yourself in each moment.
am sharing with you my colourful art and favourite sayings to uplift
and inspire you on your journey. Enjoy! The photos are deatils of my
acrylic creations painted in two last years.
Find the word LOVE overused? Feel free to replace it with JOY, FREEDOM, EASE, APPRECIATION, INSPIRATION.
Allow yourself to have fun on that inner ride. Find a reason to feel good. Get happy! Get inspired!
Inna InannaIn this colourful edition I am sharing with you my artwork combined with my favourite sayings. They are here to lighten you up on your journey all throughout 2014. Monthly calendars are separate from the pictures - more freedom to choose each day!