Monday, 11 November 2013

Inspirations to uplift all through 2014!

This is an intro to my new monthly wall CALENDAR - UUS SEINAKALENDER Inspirations 2014
ORDER/TELLIMINE:, €15 plus p&p

Inspiration comes forth from within. It's what the light burning within you is about, as opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you don't do it, there will be negative repercussions.

Olen värskelt valmis saanud inspiratsioonikalendri 2014. Inspiratsioon haarab lisaks motivatsioonile ka sisemise innustumise. Kalendris on kuude kaupa inspiratsioonilised sievaatlusele ja eneseinnustamisele suunatud mõtted ja tsitaadid, mis suunavad meid eristama olulist vähemolulisest ning hoidma oma keset praeguses hetkes. Igapäevaselt saab kalendaariumi juurde valida sobiva pildi. Pildid on fotod mu maalide detailidest. Kalender on ingliskeelne.

I call myself an inspirational artist. Inspiration is my passion. And art is one way of expressing it. Nimetan end inspiratsioonikunstnikuks. Inspiratsioon on minu kirg. Ja kunst üks viis seda väljendada.
Inspirational art is a way of joyful expression that offers upliftment both while creating and experiencing it. See for yourself :) Inspiratsioonikunst on rõõmuväljenduse vorm, mis innustab nii selle loojat kui kogejat. Uuri järelre :)

Back cover text:
Life works from the inside out.Once we really get that there's no way back to unknowing or living as a product of our environment. Everything shifts back to its source - to you and how you tune yourself in each moment.
I am sharing with you my colourful art and favourite sayings to uplift and inspire you on your journey. Enjoy! The photos are deatils of my acrylic creations painted in two last years.
Find the word  LOVE overused? Feel free to replace it with JOY, FREEDOM, EASE, APPRECIATION, INSPIRATION.
Allow yourself to have fun on that inner ride. Find a reason to feel good. Get happy! Get inspired!
Inna Inanna

In this colourful edition I am sharing with you my artwork combined with my favourite sayings. They are here to lighten you up on your journey all throughout 2014. Monthly calendars are separate from the pictures - more freedom to choose each day!

Friday, 1 November 2013

My exhibition of Inspirational Art in Tallinn on November 1-24, 2013

 “JOYRIDE”-  Inspirational Art by Inna Inanna 

Welcome to my exhibition. I hope you find this space uplifting and inspirational. For me creation of my art equals pure joy and sheer experience of connectedness. I love expressing from that place, sharing the truth of who I am at my innermost core. Feel into it and see if that resonates with you. 

Since childhood I’ve known colours, scents and sounds to be my perfect keys to being present fullest. Nevertheless it’s taken me decades to start dipping my toes into painting. Meanwhile my experience in business, economics, international diplomacy, translating, publishing, energy healing, education and training, let alone being a full-time woman and mum while residing both in Estonia and abroad – all of which has nudged me in more and less gentle ways to open up to the deeper truth within. The essence that connects us all and which has many names – love, joy, freedom, flow, light(ness), inspiration.

Each day I am learning to allow myself to embody more of this essence. To express and experience it anew. Like through these colourful paintings here. As well as my Inspirations Calendar to uplift you all through 2014 on sale and to be seen here on a separate stand. Through everyday relationships and reflections of self, be them family or those I facilitate as a empowerment coach.



Saturday, 27 April 2013

Love is the Answer

We all want love. Love is all we need. How to get "there"? As divine beings, amazing co-creators, as who we really are. Since God dwells within all of us.

We are always radiating energy, whether we are aware of it or not. This is our signal, the unseen message we bring along into every situation where we show up. This is what we GIVE out into the world. The foundation of how we are the source of our own experience. The one and only thing we can control in our lives. Our vibrational output in the moment.

(Just for the clarity - there are tons of stuff and moving parts around us we are not meant and really cannot control like what others think, how they react, who gives us love, its circumstances etc. It is beyond our control if our loved ones give us the love we so need.)

We're only responsible for what we ourselves offer in the moment. And our best effort is to learn to consciously set that signal. Simply put - if we radiate love or not. What comes back to us is orchestrated by the Universe. Always and in all ways. Perfect vibrational matches manifested as people, events and all other circumstances. The law has to match our signal. That's the essence of us being the creators of our experience.

So if you want love, radiate it. Be you loving nature. Feel it's presence on the vibrational level. See love in all, even if it is only a potential. Choose to focus on it. Fill your space with that vibration and nothing else can come to you. But love.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

I am OK

When expanding our awareness and becoming more knowledgable about how things work, it becomes more clear to us how to transcend our limitations and go beyond places where we radiate less than love. Getting into more of ourselves may however become an addiction that strips us of joy as we strive to get from A to B, from unwanted hereandnow to a more desirable timespace.

However, B is not the end, our human expansion is without one and if we fail to make peace with where we are, our rush forward becomes a frenzied pushing and beating up on ourselves for already not being more... Familiar?

If yes, it's a great place to stop and take a deep breath. Yes, all is well. You already ARE what you are reaching and striving for. You already are enlightened, you have arrived and just looking back at your journey where home returned to you. You can never take yourself out of oneness.

So - yeah, you are ok. Already now. More than that. You are perfect and so amazing! Here and now. Both, as a creator god and a human. As the two together. As one. We are here for the fun of rediscovery, to enjoy the experience. So let us not lose the best part of it - the JOY. Which starts and ends with making peace with who and where we are. Allow yourself to feel it in your body. Relax and drop down. You are in a great place to take your next step.

When happy with what is the journey becomes fun. Giving yourself a conscious permission that it's ok to be me, is the biggest gift we can give ourselves. Allow yourself to receive it. The peace and the love. From me to me. I am ok. I am.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

All Is Well

What if we could shed all judgement? Make a firm and clear decision for ourselves that all is well, for it is in the absence of that that all doubt, judgement and disempowered victimhood arises. A decision and remaining true to it is all it takes to anchor in the peace that we are.

Doubt itself rises in duality when we start to wonder if all is really ok and begin to look for the proof outside of ourselves like from people and their reactions. However it is difficult to reap what you have not sown. Since the questioning itself implies you are sowing the opposite.

We benefit tremendously when we realize and experience directly that god is dwelling within us and thru us. And we are the one when in communion who have the power to decide if all is well or not. We are the creators.

That is the basis of our well-being, effortlessness, clarity and worthiness. Erasing the separation line between you and the essence. Taking god off the pjedestal and allowing him/her to stand in the very center of your experience. In each moment of presence and enjoyment. Since all outer circumstance is always changing anyway. Make oneness the constant of your life. Allow all to be well. And all judgement and victimhood will just fall away.

How about saying that regularly to yourself. ALL IS WELL. And FEELING it in your body. That everything is totally ok. Allowing the energy to drop, muscles to relax. Coming to your senses and fully into the present moment. Giving yourself permission to feel yourself. And realize: Yes, that's the true me. And all is really well in all of creation.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Passionate About Me

Welcome to 2013! Congrats for safely gliding thru the eye of the storm and 2012. And arriving at even greater clarity and passion. Clarity and passion about yourself.

We are in the era of self. Of I am. (No more capital letters to add to separation, it’s time to merge the all of you into one) Of getting clear about self and making space for self. Of being true to it. Nothing else seems to work, does it? Who are you in essence? What is yours and what's not? Where do you choose to stand each moment? In trust or in doubt?

It is a great time to get clear with you. And become really passionate about you. What is your awareness communicating this moment? Are you allowing joy and expanding with ease or do you choose to block your natural signal – creating a new possibility for yourself to go beyond? Both of them serve you. Always. 

A simple way to find out about the signal you are broadcasting at the moment is to ask yourself what you are feeling. To take a breath, drop into your body and feel into it. Allow yourself to come to your senses! Welcome in the sensuality. Since feeling is the golden guideline. And cannot be authentically recognized until fully present in the body. So let us ask ourselves time and time again: What am I feeling? Let’s get passionate about it!

It is time for getting clear with you. Getting close to your self. Accepting and honoring your self. And loving it. Loving YOU! Putting yourself first. Always. Can you imagine that? Feel it! The whole of you. Letting it all in and allowing it to fully flow and flourish and express itself.

Although a gradual process in physicality, that is exactly where we are headed. Embodying the whole of me. And note it – while the body is the limiting factor, it is also the key. There are lifetimes of programming to undo. So we are allowing it in at a level the biology can handle, as to be able to stay in the body. So learn to listen to the body and its feeling. And when uncomfortable - welcome it! A great possibility to allow a little more.

So let us make a commitment to our self. To listen to the feeling in the body. Allowing yourself to feel it, fall deeper and relax into it. Into the love you are.