Thursday 24 January 2013

All Is Well

What if we could shed all judgement? Make a firm and clear decision for ourselves that all is well, for it is in the absence of that that all doubt, judgement and disempowered victimhood arises. A decision and remaining true to it is all it takes to anchor in the peace that we are.

Doubt itself rises in duality when we start to wonder if all is really ok and begin to look for the proof outside of ourselves like from people and their reactions. However it is difficult to reap what you have not sown. Since the questioning itself implies you are sowing the opposite.

We benefit tremendously when we realize and experience directly that god is dwelling within us and thru us. And we are the one when in communion who have the power to decide if all is well or not. We are the creators.

That is the basis of our well-being, effortlessness, clarity and worthiness. Erasing the separation line between you and the essence. Taking god off the pjedestal and allowing him/her to stand in the very center of your experience. In each moment of presence and enjoyment. Since all outer circumstance is always changing anyway. Make oneness the constant of your life. Allow all to be well. And all judgement and victimhood will just fall away.

How about saying that regularly to yourself. ALL IS WELL. And FEELING it in your body. That everything is totally ok. Allowing the energy to drop, muscles to relax. Coming to your senses and fully into the present moment. Giving yourself permission to feel yourself. And realize: Yes, that's the true me. And all is really well in all of creation.

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