Wednesday 4 July 2012

In Tune with 2012 and Beyond

The intensity of energy is increasing tremendously. Our experience is more and more not about who we were in the past but what we are offering vibrationally in the moment. And the reality responds to it immediately...

For years we've done work on ourselves, healing ourselves and our past almost to pieces. But that has not always been as efficient as expected since we have tended to unconsciously return to the habitual patterns of the past.

These days it is more about the NOW and becoming aware of what we are creating every new moment of now. Noticing where we slip into the limiting beliefs that do not serve us and that are actually recreating the past we have been trying to leave behind.

In these times of quickening it not so much about getting to the "bottom" of the matter we wish to transmute - since when we concentrate and give our attention to unwanted stuff it immediately increases and the Law of Attraction brings to our attention endless new aspects of this variety. There is not much more to do than just notice. To become aware of when we are not being true to our real selves. And simply refocus. Reboot the system. And put our attention on things we like and appreciate. The stuff we want to create more of. The actions that are fun and exciting. The thoughts that lift us up. Allowing ourselves to feel the alignment with our source of infinite joy, love and abundance. Easy? Easy! These are the greates of times!

We are beings of consciousness living in a vibrational universe. Everything we emit comes back to us. And these days it happens fast. This is a blessing that helps to pave our way Home. Since we notice fast enough when we lose ourselves in forgetfulness. What an amazing way to quickly return to love and reap the fruits of our conscious creation just as fast!

It is in getting clear what we are putting out and consciously choosing our focus that hold the key to deliberate creation. Since mastering your reality is always proceeded by becoming a master of your own vibration.

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