Monday, 5 November 2012


We still sometimes find it natural to give away our power. Be it angels, healers, psychics e.a. However it is our alignment and connection which is our most natural state where we constantly receive guiding signs and messages from our inner being.
Our power lies in the now. And instead of giving it away to the external or our past, let us focus on the inside. What are you feeling this very moment? What are you radiating? Our belief systems from the past are relevant only when we focus on them in the moment, thus recreating and re-activating them.

When we make the decision to focus more and more on looking through the eyes of love, all life and the universe join behind us in their assistance in order for us to notice first of all the goodies and the stuff that uplifts us. This decision reached within and being true to it bring about a conceptual change. To be and live in purity and authenticity, no less.

Accepting that we constantly need healing leaves us on that wavelength forever, since the message we keep emitting broadcasts we are less than perfect. When one realises in such experience one's own creatorship and the meaning of that, time is ripe to choose the experience of perfection. As always working from the inside out it starts with claiming your own perfection.

Namaste! In other words: I honour me and the creator within me! :)

Wednesday, 31 October 2012


We are living in the times of great changes and are about to face important shifts. Bigger and bigger parts of undercover darkness are being exposed and this happens faster and faster. Our power as master creators which we had allowed ourselves to give up and forget, is becoming more and more the center of our everyday life. That is the exact place it was meant to occupy, as each and every one of us is first and foremost the center of their own universe. And this becomes obvious through our collective quickening.

We are vibrational divine beings. What our consciousness radiates from our center, what we think and emote, we see and experience growing in our external world. So even the greatest non believer will end up noticing that the realities we live in are very different indeed. The one radiating chaos from their core will experience exactly that. The one who is tuned to peace and harmony glides through life with entirely different quality of experiences.

It is time for us to claim responsibility for our reality and the signal we are emitting. We are all divine in essence and this is expressed in our existence beyond time and space. As well as in our ability ot CREATE.

We are well aware of what we want to experience. All these things are essentially natural to us - love, joy, security, feeling of connectedness, abundance, self-expression, intimacy, sincerity, purity. Harmony and balance within and without. Isn't it great we now have a clear recipy to achieve all of that - ONLY SOW WHAT YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE!

BE who you are in essence! BE loving! How? Setting your dominant INTENT to see positive and uplifting in all. Acknowledging the things around us and choosing to look first and foremost for good in both people and situations. Knowing clearly that nothing less serves us any more. Having become deeply aware that further generating of chaos is not in our interest. That's it.

Setting a priority of looking at life THROUGH DIVINE EYES. If you wish you can also call it observing through pink glasses. IT IS TIME WE CLAIM OUR DIVINE NATURE not just in meditation but on MOST MUNDANE AND EVERYDAY LEVELS. Set its expression at each breath as a top priority. Be CONSCIOUSLY the creator being who you are in essence. And express it outwards by LOVING WITHOUT CONDITIONS! As is intrinsic to our timeless nature.

How to stop our critical mind which is programmed to look for problems and negativity? How to shift the habitual negative focus to positive? Move from the plane of the problem to that of the solution, which as we know means a shift in levels?

With intention and self awareness. With desire to break free from being a slave to habits based in mental and fear. And make the mind a servant to your essence, as it was always meant to be. To be more precise: to make it work in a way that supports life, creating harmonious exstence to all of us. As thought is first and foremost a creative impulse.

That way we can let go of what has been taught to us by previous fear-based generations and choose consciously for ourselves. As we have finally understood that nothing less serves us.

It's time to learn to see in all their eternal being, allowing the walls of separation to come down. As we are all connected through our essential nature and are one in essence. The Law of Attraction allows nothing else to come to us but our own creation. Let us create better. Let us learn to again love our creations so that they could flourish. Let's learn to love ourselves and life in all its expressions. This is a flow that feeds and supports us aiming to carry us into clearer waters. Let's allow the love to flow and stop trying to mentally control it. Let us say YES! to life giving it permission to carry us. Without resistance and negatively judging it. The flow is speeding up. There is no sense in efforting against it. Let it carry you to your heart, to your innermost truth. Allow your muscles to relax. Allow yourself to say yes. To the life that always supports you and to your true nature. Since there is no way to further separate them.

Friday, 19 October 2012

From Control to Trust

We often find our lives organised round desperately trying to control our outside world. How others see us or relate to us. How our kids or other loved ones are treating us or doing things according to the standards we understand should be met. We are taught and have allowed ourselves to primarily look outside to find people, stuff and places that we think we need. We also look outside to get a reflection of how we are doing. And take it rather seriously :) Funny, isn't it? As we still forget that this is nothing more than REFLECTION OF WHAT WE THINK OF OURSELVES...

It is a good time to turn it all around, back to normal, if we want to make any sense of it all. Setting priorities from outside to within, moving from control to trust. In new energies the former does not work any more anyway.

So how does it work? When we have built walls of separation against life/god/love we need to trick them into giving us the stuff we want. We could effort to control source by trying to manipulate it or use force or argumentation to get what we want. But when we allow these walls to melt, let ourselves to open up, life just smiles and gives us even more. Easily and gracefully. We might even feel taken aback at how effortlessly things come and feel the remains of inner resistance muttering that things just cannot be that simple. Familiar?

So just say yes and remain open. What would it take to just trust life? To choose it and stick to it. To allow ourselves to feel at one with it. To give permission to love/god/life/essence just to carry you. To finally recognize the Beloved and relax...

Monday, 15 October 2012

Simply feel

I am still surprised how deeply we have allowed ourselves to accept the idea of complexity. How we sometimes love and respect complicated stuff preferring it over simple and easy and effortless. And we would gain so much and so fast from a return to simplicity.

Like in our quest for truth we turn to spirit and forget the sacredness of our body. Coming full circle we rediscover the body and find it to be our greatest tool and helper. As the seat of the unconscious that we benefit from claiming, allowing us to fully descend into the physical. With anchoring our experience deep into the Earth.

Or the complexity of spirit. But God is simple. Being omnipresent means it is right here. Right now when it breathes you. Just notice and feel! You cannot be separate from it. So natural and at your fingertips. Likewise our spiritual guidance is the most simple thing. There is NO NEED to be a psychic or develop extrasensory abilities. Our feelings are enough to tell us if we are in alignment with our essence or not. All our senses are constantly showing us the way. Just pay attention to how you feel. And choose to support yourself. To love yourself and uplift yourself. So that the gift you are can shine far and bright and bring back to you even more ecstatic openings and joyful experiences.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

What time is it?

Does it really matter these days? No! It is the excitement flowing in your veins that does, the joy of being alive, the enthusiasm of... I don't know what. Nothing in particular and at the same time everything. Of being in love? Yes! In love with all of life, that you KNOW now is your Beloved and Partner. That serves you as a Master that you are. That supports you and loves you. Always. Unconditionaly. That nothing stands between you any more. Since you have chosen authenticity and are as a result experiencing total oneness with it.

The wonderful knowing that you do not NEED anything from it. But it just brings you all you need and so SO MUCH MORE. Things you haven't even been able to verbally express or get particularly clear about. Be it in your words or in your feelings. In such amazing and unexpected ways. But when they come you can unmistakably recognize your own authorship. They ARE yours. This feeds your self-worth and self-trust in ways beyond anything.

You know that you are the creator. You know that you are free. To experience that freedom in your everyday life you only have to DO one thing - claim, accept, be and live that freedom within you. And it just unfolds...

Oh, what a great ride! So cool to be alive!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Making Love to Life

We often hear about how we are to learn to lift and refine our energies. However less is spoken about the downward flow, bringing the divine in, allowing it to flow through us and anchor deep into the earth. Since ascension in these new energies when we want to take our bodies along is as much a descension.

The latter is much worth practicing and the results are amazing when we end up feeling that deep love that is our essence on all physical levels as well, including the softness at heart. That natural state accompanied by natural slowing down, opening up of our senses of smell, touch, taste... that sense of enjoyment and appreciation. With all senses active at full capacty. Being present and in the body fully and in each moment. Breathing from the very bottom of our lungs.

Making love to life, to everything that we encounter - be it a breath of air, a bite of a sandwich, a gulp of water that we let into our bodes. And the touch of course - every little pont of contact becomes holy, sacred. Be it your own body, your lover, your children, your home, a plant, an animal... or even a kitchen rag. Because there really is not much difference. It is all you. Here and now. Making love to life in all its expressions, making love to self. Ecstatically. Receiving life and receiving self. Wholly. No less. Since that is essentially who we are.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Mediation's Great, but Time to Dance!

It's time for more. Not only meditate or let go and let god. But really add the human component and have them dance hand in hand. Allowing them to be one, melded and undivided. Not just phasing out, although this might sometimes be extremely useful, but also learning to live as a divine human - well connected in both, the heavenly and the mundane.

Thus arises a new way of being and living - our brain is by the way absolutely able to accomplish that - where we are well anchored in both - total stillness, the very ocean itself, AND the busyness and activity of everyday life, the ocean wave that ebbs and flows. Living full-bloodedly IN the world but not necessarily being OF it.

This standing with each of our legs on different sides of the veil makes this very veil disappear. It is the light of your full presence that dissolves it, makes it unexistent, as it cannot be there in the light of who you are. So we come to a life in a state of grounded meditation which can be well described as appreciation, gratitude, love of all, love of self. A sense that all was, is and will be well. That everything is alright with life/self/all.

This is a state of flow and connectedness which when experienced in the body makes the juices move and flow spontaneously, allowing bones to shift and crack by themselves into a place of greater alignment. Feel it. Revel in it. Allow it to grow and fill you to the very brim, letting it feed your cells, your whole anatomy, all levels of your being.

This is how the true you is being earthed, how Heaven comes to Earth. Making it New.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Back to the Body

She or he is so material in their thinking, we often hear. They should be more spiritual! And we go full speed for the Spirit - up and high, something grand and pompous, often seemingly outside of ourselves. And complicated. Only spirit knows! If spirit wants... If things HAVE to be this way, we say, and look subservient. Meaning: I am a little human and not familiar with the ways of the spirit.

However there comes a moment when the pendulum swings back and comes to the place of greater balance. Where spirit is the most natural thing, simple and within us, breathing us each moment. Being us. While we come to realize the importance of the body, as the grounding key to returning Home, either with it or without. The temple that houses us. And that their separation does not serve us. And only restricts the flow of life within us.

How about finally giving up that resistance. Stop putting on the armour of protection and dividedness. Making space for self to flow without restriction. Allowing it all in. While staying in the body. Feeling it as an extension of our innermost essence. Anchoring deep and wide. Following the breath and the feelings of the body. To allow, to relax more and more into life/love/all/flow/totality/god. Allowing it to carry us. In gratitude. In trust and knowingness that all is well. Receiving it all. Letting it all in unconditionally. Falling into the totality of self, totality of love. Giving it permission to nurture our body, all cells, giving up all doubt.

And choosing joy. Saying YES to life. Breathing in love and breathing out resistance. And feeling it in your body. As your essence rises and fills every inch of it. Bubbling with sweetness and joy. Sparkling with light and lightness, ease and playfulness, enthusiasm and aliveness. Feeling the confined limits of the body dissolve... YEEES!

Being at one. While allowing all resistance the body still might be holding to surface and dissolve. Nothing to be forced. Just opening up and allowing...

Before and Now

It is our orientation towards the external that has taught us to often look for approval from others as a sign of external support. This could also be expressed and experienced in a strong need to consult our friends or relatives, asking for their "opinion" or "advice" before making up our own mind on various issues. Be it a decision that feels too important to take on our own regarding our future, a possible investment or simply spending a major sum of money on a commodity. We often used to look for confidence and reassurance from others. Bearing in mind the fact that two know better than one.

We did that not realizing that the "other" is there to primarily reflect back to us what we are carrying inside. Be it clarity or doubt.

An important step in returning to our sovereignity is reorienting ourselves from the external to internal. To consulting first and foremost to our inner selves. Finding out what feels good and what not. What resonates as truth in the moment and following through with it remaining true to that intuitive voice or feeling. Trusting it. Since it comes from a source that loves you unconditionally. And keeping your first attention on it.

A useful tip here is to always FIRST tune yourself to your maximum alignment. To the wisdom inside or the divine self. And come in all practical steps and decisions from that place only. A great shrtcut to more effortless life and achieving your best results.


Wednesday, 1 August 2012

From Lack to Fulfilment

There's a lot of difference whether we radiate lack or fulfilment. When in scarcity, there seems to be a whole gap separating us from abundance. Duality at its best!

We choose one of those every minute. We choose lack when we miss something "external", an outer impulse or thing that would make us feel good on the INSIDE. When we recognise that, notice it and become aware of our vibe of lack, the natural choice is to move back into fulfilment, since joy, fun and ease are our essence and intrinsically natural to us. Like a cork that is pressed under the water naturally pops up again.

Leaving lack behind is returning to our nature. On the mental level it sounds like ignoring what is. But going deeper, anchoring in the moment, we naturally discover Fulfilment with a capital F. Fulfilment that goes beyond duality. Choosing this version immediately closes the gap. As it embraces both ends. Loves it all, the shadow and the light. And we access the good feeling inside even before we find satisfaction from the external nudge.

Best creation ever!

Friday, 20 July 2012

Making Space for Self

How are you today? Good mood? Great! Things flow effortlessly and all life seems to support you? Wonderful! Mood is a place of feeling and feelings are at the basis of our vibration. Good feeling place spontaneously attracts stuff you have asked for. It appears in perfect timing with ease and fun. Be ready for surprises! This is also a place of alignment with self. A place of allowing and receiving. Not just going for things to take them into your experience, but a place of staying open and letting the universe deliver to you. For ultimately we are not so much doers. In essence we are creators. We are creating with the vibration we send out as beings of consciousness.

But what if we are not experiencing joy? This is just a sign for us that we are not in alignment. We can dive into the whys, but the main message of feeling low is simple - there's some resistance you are creating to block the flow of life. It will serve you better to refocus. Not much more! Dwelling deeply on the negative unwanted stuff that makes us feel stuck will first and foremost amplify it. Energy flows where attention goes! And if the negative impulse is running high gear and it seems to run even over you or even have a life of its own, just find a way to stop. Take a break. Breathe. Meditate. Refocus. Reboot. Do something nice. Dance, listen to a piece of beautiful music, look at a fun picture or remember a cool moment. Take another breath and achor deeper into your body. It is OK to be out of alignment. No judgement! Everything serves us. Relax. And make a new choice.


Saturday, 14 July 2012

If you wanna sing out

An old-time favourite and sing-along...

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Selfishness first

It is a great time to return to being selfish. To getting used to always putting your inner being first. To loving self first and foremost. And coming from that in all situations. Nothing less will bring us the fulfilment and satisfaction we so much yearn.

Accepting what is is a great starting point. Accepting fully and unconditionally. Making peace with the moment. With here and now. Not desperately trying to get somewhere from where you are but finding perfection in what is. Just here. Just now. Allowing yourself to be in the moment and letting life to carry you in a non-resistant way to where it most benefits you. Trusting life. As it always supports you. As does all universe. Always. In all ways. Letting the tension in your muscles go. Relax, breathe... and smile. Allow yourself to drop deep down into your body. End of struggle. Life is goooood. All is well :)

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

In Tune with 2012 and Beyond

The intensity of energy is increasing tremendously. Our experience is more and more not about who we were in the past but what we are offering vibrationally in the moment. And the reality responds to it immediately...

For years we've done work on ourselves, healing ourselves and our past almost to pieces. But that has not always been as efficient as expected since we have tended to unconsciously return to the habitual patterns of the past.

These days it is more about the NOW and becoming aware of what we are creating every new moment of now. Noticing where we slip into the limiting beliefs that do not serve us and that are actually recreating the past we have been trying to leave behind.

In these times of quickening it not so much about getting to the "bottom" of the matter we wish to transmute - since when we concentrate and give our attention to unwanted stuff it immediately increases and the Law of Attraction brings to our attention endless new aspects of this variety. There is not much more to do than just notice. To become aware of when we are not being true to our real selves. And simply refocus. Reboot the system. And put our attention on things we like and appreciate. The stuff we want to create more of. The actions that are fun and exciting. The thoughts that lift us up. Allowing ourselves to feel the alignment with our source of infinite joy, love and abundance. Easy? Easy! These are the greates of times!

We are beings of consciousness living in a vibrational universe. Everything we emit comes back to us. And these days it happens fast. This is a blessing that helps to pave our way Home. Since we notice fast enough when we lose ourselves in forgetfulness. What an amazing way to quickly return to love and reap the fruits of our conscious creation just as fast!

It is in getting clear what we are putting out and consciously choosing our focus that hold the key to deliberate creation. Since mastering your reality is always proceeded by becoming a master of your own vibration.

From Evolution to Love

3D and linear thinking is a tricky thing that sometimes traps us in understanding that we as human beings benefit from educational processes, that these help us to move ourselves from who we are to a better, wiser and more expanded place. That an educator outside/beside us can enlighten us and cast more light on how we can best function in an existing societal network.

Moving up dimensions, however, blows up all concepts of linear processes. So development, even if called evolution, in the sense of being lead by an external instructor loses sigificance. Thus the process of education in its essence becomes de-education, unlearning and letting go of all the external truths we allowed ourselves to absorb as children. Since we clearly realize that the education has been carried out in a way that has left us disempowered - disconnected from the very authentic beingness that breathes us. That's why the way back home is sometimes also called remembering who we are. Not that the essence of who we are has escaped us all along, but in giving our power to external teaching/preaching we've given up direct access to our own.

We have disempowered ourselves, given up our internal truth and allowed our choices to be ruled by what we have been taught. However nothing or no amount of absorbing untruths can corrupt our very core of divine creative essence. The furthest we can move from it with oor human resistance is our human death, when the truth in all its grandeur fulfills us again. The question is what would it take to allow this very truth to fill ourselves in this very incarnation.

This is coming back to ourselves by realizing we are perfect already. That every moment is sacred already and filled with such perfection. Holding the keys to limitless potentials. We can get a better FEEL of these by first and foremost stopping for a moment. Taking a breath. Dropping down into our bodies and making peace with all that is in the moment. But primarily - making peace with ourselves.

By making space for ourselves to be just as we are - an extraordinary human-divine blend in this vibrant and amazing body. By smiling and knowingly remembering the game we are in. By saying YES to everything in ourselves and our moment. Yes to our potentials and yes to our limitations, yes to our light and yes to our darkness.

Since on this plane we are both always. One cannot exist and be experienced without another. Each contraction is leading to more expansion just as it is always darkest before the dawn. We cannot perfect our human nature. We can only make a decision to love it. And thus fall in love with the totality of self.