Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Making Love to Life

We often hear about how we are to learn to lift and refine our energies. However less is spoken about the downward flow, bringing the divine in, allowing it to flow through us and anchor deep into the earth. Since ascension in these new energies when we want to take our bodies along is as much a descension.

The latter is much worth practicing and the results are amazing when we end up feeling that deep love that is our essence on all physical levels as well, including the softness at heart. That natural state accompanied by natural slowing down, opening up of our senses of smell, touch, taste... that sense of enjoyment and appreciation. With all senses active at full capacty. Being present and in the body fully and in each moment. Breathing from the very bottom of our lungs.

Making love to life, to everything that we encounter - be it a breath of air, a bite of a sandwich, a gulp of water that we let into our bodes. And the touch of course - every little pont of contact becomes holy, sacred. Be it your own body, your lover, your children, your home, a plant, an animal... or even a kitchen rag. Because there really is not much difference. It is all you. Here and now. Making love to life in all its expressions, making love to self. Ecstatically. Receiving life and receiving self. Wholly. No less. Since that is essentially who we are.