Friday, 24 August 2012

Mediation's Great, but Time to Dance!

It's time for more. Not only meditate or let go and let god. But really add the human component and have them dance hand in hand. Allowing them to be one, melded and undivided. Not just phasing out, although this might sometimes be extremely useful, but also learning to live as a divine human - well connected in both, the heavenly and the mundane.

Thus arises a new way of being and living - our brain is by the way absolutely able to accomplish that - where we are well anchored in both - total stillness, the very ocean itself, AND the busyness and activity of everyday life, the ocean wave that ebbs and flows. Living full-bloodedly IN the world but not necessarily being OF it.

This standing with each of our legs on different sides of the veil makes this very veil disappear. It is the light of your full presence that dissolves it, makes it unexistent, as it cannot be there in the light of who you are. So we come to a life in a state of grounded meditation which can be well described as appreciation, gratitude, love of all, love of self. A sense that all was, is and will be well. That everything is alright with life/self/all.

This is a state of flow and connectedness which when experienced in the body makes the juices move and flow spontaneously, allowing bones to shift and crack by themselves into a place of greater alignment. Feel it. Revel in it. Allow it to grow and fill you to the very brim, letting it feed your cells, your whole anatomy, all levels of your being.

This is how the true you is being earthed, how Heaven comes to Earth. Making it New.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Back to the Body

She or he is so material in their thinking, we often hear. They should be more spiritual! And we go full speed for the Spirit - up and high, something grand and pompous, often seemingly outside of ourselves. And complicated. Only spirit knows! If spirit wants... If things HAVE to be this way, we say, and look subservient. Meaning: I am a little human and not familiar with the ways of the spirit.

However there comes a moment when the pendulum swings back and comes to the place of greater balance. Where spirit is the most natural thing, simple and within us, breathing us each moment. Being us. While we come to realize the importance of the body, as the grounding key to returning Home, either with it or without. The temple that houses us. And that their separation does not serve us. And only restricts the flow of life within us.

How about finally giving up that resistance. Stop putting on the armour of protection and dividedness. Making space for self to flow without restriction. Allowing it all in. While staying in the body. Feeling it as an extension of our innermost essence. Anchoring deep and wide. Following the breath and the feelings of the body. To allow, to relax more and more into life/love/all/flow/totality/god. Allowing it to carry us. In gratitude. In trust and knowingness that all is well. Receiving it all. Letting it all in unconditionally. Falling into the totality of self, totality of love. Giving it permission to nurture our body, all cells, giving up all doubt.

And choosing joy. Saying YES to life. Breathing in love and breathing out resistance. And feeling it in your body. As your essence rises and fills every inch of it. Bubbling with sweetness and joy. Sparkling with light and lightness, ease and playfulness, enthusiasm and aliveness. Feeling the confined limits of the body dissolve... YEEES!

Being at one. While allowing all resistance the body still might be holding to surface and dissolve. Nothing to be forced. Just opening up and allowing...

Before and Now

It is our orientation towards the external that has taught us to often look for approval from others as a sign of external support. This could also be expressed and experienced in a strong need to consult our friends or relatives, asking for their "opinion" or "advice" before making up our own mind on various issues. Be it a decision that feels too important to take on our own regarding our future, a possible investment or simply spending a major sum of money on a commodity. We often used to look for confidence and reassurance from others. Bearing in mind the fact that two know better than one.

We did that not realizing that the "other" is there to primarily reflect back to us what we are carrying inside. Be it clarity or doubt.

An important step in returning to our sovereignity is reorienting ourselves from the external to internal. To consulting first and foremost to our inner selves. Finding out what feels good and what not. What resonates as truth in the moment and following through with it remaining true to that intuitive voice or feeling. Trusting it. Since it comes from a source that loves you unconditionally. And keeping your first attention on it.

A useful tip here is to always FIRST tune yourself to your maximum alignment. To the wisdom inside or the divine self. And come in all practical steps and decisions from that place only. A great shrtcut to more effortless life and achieving your best results.


Wednesday, 1 August 2012

From Lack to Fulfilment

There's a lot of difference whether we radiate lack or fulfilment. When in scarcity, there seems to be a whole gap separating us from abundance. Duality at its best!

We choose one of those every minute. We choose lack when we miss something "external", an outer impulse or thing that would make us feel good on the INSIDE. When we recognise that, notice it and become aware of our vibe of lack, the natural choice is to move back into fulfilment, since joy, fun and ease are our essence and intrinsically natural to us. Like a cork that is pressed under the water naturally pops up again.

Leaving lack behind is returning to our nature. On the mental level it sounds like ignoring what is. But going deeper, anchoring in the moment, we naturally discover Fulfilment with a capital F. Fulfilment that goes beyond duality. Choosing this version immediately closes the gap. As it embraces both ends. Loves it all, the shadow and the light. And we access the good feeling inside even before we find satisfaction from the external nudge.

Best creation ever!